Our document remediation services also provide a service for converting documents to an accessible format. Many accessibility standards require that electronic documents be accessible to individuals with disabilities. This process will help visually impaired persons to quickly and easily access their Books, Documents and letters etc. Then they can listen and read independently using their PCs (Screen readers), DAISY Players, Braille Displays and braille hard copies and no matter what assistive technology is used.

• The document is received by Prime Braille Solutions as a Hard copy, Image or PDF.
• Scanning process (If a hard copy is received)
• Our experts creating accessible document adding Levels, Page numbers, Tables and Picture description, etc.
• Each page in the document is validated
• Your document is ready in accessible.


Ability to;

• Read with Screen readers
• Listen through DAISY players
• Can also be converted in to braille hard copies (Support for braille translating software)
• Read through braille displays.